Ouchy ouch ouch ouch. Sore legs, particularly the shin, but there was actually some progress it seems. I am actually running a whole minute (woo!) without looking at my watch every 10 seconds for the 30 seconds to see when I can stop. Admittedly I am still slightly stretching the walk sections longer than I should.
If I had gone to a posh school there'd be an imaginary sports master going "Keep up K, you are cheating no one but yourself". I went to a comp though, and the PE teachers were either stupid or bastards. They loved cross country though, and probably put at least 10 years worth of pupils off running for life.
At least twice a term, 4 times in summer, everyone had to do a cross-country run around to school. The course was a 3 mile loop through the playing fields and woods, and in the winter it was mud and slop and filth and always windy (always a headwind, naturally). Hated it, each and every time.
On a completely unrelated note, whay are the spods who appear in toothpaste ads so insufferably smug looking? Is it a requirement or an old charter or something?
I went to a comprehensive too and had to suffer the cross country runs. Bizarre how I now pay to run in races when, in my youth, I'd have paid not to run in them! And incidentally PE teachers can be stupid or bastards but the ones at my school were both - stupid bastards.