Saturday, 30 May 2009

Rather lovely early morning run, with the sun just coming over the top of the hills. Nice and still and cool, with no-one really around. There was even a bit more progress, which is slightly surprising seeing as I haven't really been out running for nearly a week. This wasn't purely laziness, although that was definitely a factor. Every time I went and started to go out for a bimble my shins would start bitching at me nearly as soon as I started. I figured it might be a cunning plan to let them rest for a bit before I went out again, and lo, it worked.
My shins are only hurting like they were towards the end of the run, still annoying, but nothing like as bad.

Having somehow managed to marginally improved my fitness enough that I not only no longer feel like I am dieing 5 minutes into a bimble, but also don't have random aches and whinging from my legs etc, I think I might have some idea why I am getting these pains in my shins.

Hills, they are the problem, specifically running down them. I'm sure there is some fancy biomechanical name for it, but essentially I am a lummox, and when I run downhill my foot is acting as a brake when it lands and is putting even more stress through my ankles and shins than normal. This is a little bit of a problem, because hills are pretty much unavoidable down here, and the particular downhill section where the pains are starting is approximately a third of the route I am using at the moment. I suppose I'll have to figure a modification to the route so that I can do the uphill bit (which is fine) and the level(ish) bit for longer and then just walk back down the hill as a warmdown or something (oo, hark at me, sounding like I know what I am doing).

Alternatively I could just try and learn how to run downhill without bollocksing my legs up, but that's crazy talk.

As for Juneathon, I think I'll give it a go, what with it being the law and everything, apparently. I have been meaning to get out on the, very shiny if I say so myself, mountain bike, even if it obviously isn't anything like as cool as jogblog's Raleigh Shopper.


  1. My bike is the coolest thing ever. I even bought it a basket today so I can look even more of a geek.

    Welcome to Juneathon!

  2. Now all you need are some sparkly tassles for the ends of the handlebars ;P

  3. Ooh, that reminds me I saw some of those when I went past the bike shop last night! I'm going to get some tomorrow.
